Audrey Rumsby has performed and directed more than 70 full-length stage productions in London, New York, Los Angeles, Boulder, and San Francisco. 45 of these have been  Shakespeare including the Colorado Shakespeare Festival. The eldest daughter of two performing artists, she developed an early passion for performance and all areas of the production process. She left school at the age of 8 in order to devote all of her time to her parent's Shakespeare company, San Jose Youth Shakespeare. At 18 she attended the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art as one of the youngest students ever accepted into their post-graduate program. Upon graduating, she cultivated her career as an actor in theatre productions across the US and UK, and gradually found herself being asked to direct and choreograph. Notable appearances include a role as lead musician and dancer for the London 2012 Olympics Team Welcoming Ceremonies and directing work for Theatreworks and the Colorado and Arabian Shakespeare Festivals. 

In 2015, she made a pitch to create her first feature film; a documentary about her beloved mentors, Barry and Joan Grantham. Some people open your eyes to theatre and music in astounding ways. For director Audrey Rumsby, her first encounter with Barry and Joan changed everything. This quirky portrait of artistic mentorship will rewire how you look at play.

ERIC POMERT (Editor/Producer)

Eric started life as a theater and film kid.  A specialist in humor and music, he worked as a major brand tv commercial editor for 15 years before starting narrative work with his first feature “Love, Ludlow,” the runner-up for the 2005 Sundance Film Festival Audience Awards. 

In addition to a slew of short films, he has edited hundreds of commercials for clients including Mercedes Benz, Heineken, Diet Dr Pepper, and Puma.  His spots have won awards at the Cannes Film Festival and the British International Advertising Festival, and have aired on the Super Bowl and around the globe.  Eric has collaborated as an editor and producer with top directorial and technical talent including the Oscars Awards team, and he has had the pleasure to work on projects featuring stars such as Will Ferrell, Usain Bolt, Barbara Walters, the Backstreet Boys, Rob Corddry, Mike Myers, Lauren Bacall, and Paul McCartney.

CATHERINE BONWICK (Executive Producer)

More about Catherine coming soon!